Sunday, January 9, 2011

#9 Sharing too much information on Facebook.

Facebook is awesome.
Getting engaged is awesome.
Updating your facebook status 1 hour after you get engaged is not awesome.

Enjoy your engagement! We don't need the update quite so promptly. And when you are on your honeymoon, we don't need the status updates either.

Facebook is a great way to see what people are up to but honestly people. There are times when you don't need to update your page quite so promptly.

Going back to being engaged. Who do you really want to share your life with?

Your fiancee?    ..or random people from you chemistry class?

On a sidenote. We NEVER want to see pictures of your ultrasound. Thats just gross. Pictures of your baby's bare butt, or your huge bare pregnant belly are gross too. Cute to you maybe, gross to us.

1 comment:

Connor said...

It's like organized stalking.